can you open a bug entry?

On 28 Feb 2014, at 05:49, wrote:

> wrote:
>> Pharo4Stef wrote:
>>> On 27 Feb 2014, at 11:22, Thomas Worthington <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Is it expected that two browsers open on the same class don't reflect the 
>>>> same state if one of them is used to edit the class?
>>> What do you mean exactly?
>>> Normally the two browser should let you browse the same class differently 
>>> but the class state (iv and methods) should be the same.
>>> Now we have missed some announcements.
>>>> I'm sure this used to work, although I might be getting mixed up with 
>>>> Emacs.
>>>> TW
>> I've reproduced this as follows...
>> 1. Open two System Browsers on the same class, showing the class definitions
>> 2. In first Browser add an instance variable
>> --> The second Browser is not updated.
>> Thanks for your report Thomas. 
>> cheers -ben
> btw, it was working in 30248 and not in 30249
> 30249
> -----
> 11047 Integrate new class builder step 2

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