Hi, I have troubles creating a PNG file in memory.
I can create a PNG file on disk and load it back without problems: f := FileSystem disk workingDirectory / 'pharoicon.png'. f writeStreamDo: [ :stream | PNGReadWriter putForm: ThemeIcons current pharoIcon onStream: stream ]. f readStreamDo: [ :stream | PNGReadWriter formFromStream: stream binary ] But, when I try the same thing in memory, I get an exception for incorrect format: f := FileSystem memory workingDirectory / 'pharoicon.png'. f writeStreamDo: [ :stream | PNGReadWriter putForm: ThemeIcons current pharoIcon onStream: stream ]. f readStreamDo: [ :stream | PNGReadWriter formFromStream: stream binary ] Can anyone point me to what am I doing wrong? Doru -- www.tudorgirba.com "Every thing has its own flow"