I certainly do recommend it. I am using it since 3 months in production,
and for my purposes (mainly using Moose for various analyses), it works

But, even if you would get problems, leaving on the very edge is more
productive (but more counter-intuitive) when the community is smaller. Just
look at Pharo 2.0. It takes longer to get fixes integrated, and if you
depend on them, your life will be harder. On the latest Pharo, you might
get some problems at first, but I suspect you can find those problems quite
fast and the reaction you would get will more than payoff.

And yet another reason is this: if you have serious interests in Pharo, you
will sooner or later end up wanting to influence one part or another (for
example, extend Collection with flatCollect: :)). In this case, working on
the latest version puts you in a better position to influence Pharo in the
direction you want it to go.

As I said, it is less obvious, but I think in our community, it makes much
better sense to live closer to the edge.


On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 12:30 PM, Sean P. DeNigris <s...@clipperadams.com>wrote:

> You would recommend 3.0 even for production systems?
> -------- Original message --------
> From: "Tudor Girba-2 [via Smalltalk]" <[hidden 
> email]<http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4733418&i=0>>
> Date: 01/01/2014 1:23 AM (GMT-05:00)
> To: "Sean P. DeNigris" <[hidden 
> email]<http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4733418&i=1>>
> Subject: Re: Spotlight Demo
> Hi,
> I am in Pharo 3.0, and I think everyone else should be as well at this
> point :)
> Doru
> On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 10:26 PM, Sean P. DeNigris <[hidden 
> email]<http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4733394&i=0>
> > wrote:
>> Tudor Girba-2 wrote
>> > - "SpotlightCompletionExample open" does not seem work.
>> Would you be more specific… If I do it in a fresh 2.0 image after using
>> the
>> Gofer expression above, I get a text field. If I type "int" in the text
>> field, I get results below. And if I click on one of the results, I it is
>> entered into the text field.
>> -----
>> Cheers,
>> Sean
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://forum.world.st/Spotlight-Demo-tp4733077p4733364.html
>> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> "Every thing has its own flow"
> ------------------------------
>  If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion
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>  Cheers,
> Sean
> ------------------------------
> View this message in context: Re: Spotlight 
> Demo<http://forum.world.st/Spotlight-Demo-tp4733077p4733418.html>
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list 
> archive<http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html>at 
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"Every thing has its own flow"

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