On 22/12/2013 14:04, Johan Fabry wrote:

Also, I think it is very wrong to keep the images in the Library
folder by default. The Library is "hidden" and a "black magic - do not
touch" area for the common user. A sensible default is the Documents folder.

If a user thinks the Library is black magic then they won't be manipulating images outside of Pharo and PharoLauncher. (as I don't think they will be capable of doing so)

Hi Ben,

It's cultural I would say. The purpose of the Library folder is to
hold preferences, caches, et cetera. Never user documents. There is a
bunch of stuff in there that actually I don't even have an idea of.
Moreover, as standard the Library is a hidden folder now.

I think this is a misreading of Apple's directory design. It is for more than preferences and caches but for all app-specific files

Apple's doc <https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/FileManagement/Conceptual/FileSystemProgrammingGuide/FileSystemOverview/FileSystemOverview.html> says "Apps should use the Library directory to store app-specific (or system-specific) resources."

My view is images are app-specific

If Pharo Launcher does enough to do all the image manipulation you need - I think it does except for dealing with Save As.. from Pharo itself, then you do not need to have it manipulated by other tools.

Also if you want to do something using an image not by Pharo then you almost certainly know enough to be able to use the Library. The ~/Library is hidden to stop users messing around with files as they have found it saves a lot of support to hide these. I would also not in Mavericks i.e. the latest version of OSX making the Library visible is a toggle on the GUI for the Library directory.

For example Amazon's Kindle app puts the ebooks in ~/Library/Application Support/Kindle and these seem to me similar to Pharo images

I think things should be in ~/Documents if they can be edited/seen in multiple applications. e.g

On Dec 22, 2013, at 7:50 AM,
b...@openinworld.com wrote:

Johan, I don't use a Mac so... Is the "Show in folder" menu item
sufficient to make it less black-magic - or is there a greater cultural
aversion to putting images under Library?

Damien, Maybe for cross-platform consistency that is a Pharo
(mostly), this should wait until there are similar installers for
Windows & Linux - and my apologies I hadn't had time to work on the
Windows installer - work picked up but hopefully the Christmas break
will give me some time.


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