Hi Nicolai,
A very good source is Mariano Martinez Peck's excellent blog. He posted
extensively on building a VM, managing plugins, pretty cover all aspects.
If you want to take a look, his journey begins here:

I found it really good and enlightener.

*Lic. Ignacio Sniechowski, MBA*

On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 6:55 AM, Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@web.de> wrote:

> Looking at the code for DiskStore>>basicEntryAt:
> I find this code:
> "Primitives lookupDirectory: encodedPath filename: encodedBasename)"
> What is this "Primitives" not a class? I am suprised there is some code
> that I can not find the source for.
> Ok, it has something to do with vm primitives, and I know that code like
> <primitive: 'primitiveDirectoryEntry' module: 'FilePlugin'>
> is in the vmmaker-package for FilePlugin.
> BTW it is terrible hard to load vmmaker in a "normal" image. Now I use
> the generator.image from pharo http://files.pharo.org/vm/src/.
> But even in this image it is not possible to load the vmmaker tool.

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