Hi & welcome. I'm not in a position to help directly, but just suggest that the more specific advice the advice you are seeking, the more use it is to paste here the specific code you have defined and the specific Workspace snippets you are executing. This reduces the chance for misunderstanding. Also while you may only know enough to ask about "X", someone looking at your code might be able to advise that you should really be asking about "Y" and here is its answer "Z". The code you paste should be reduced to the minimal self contained app that highlights your need.

hope things are well with you,
cheers -ben

steliosgan wrote:
First of all...Thank you all for the instant response (Ευχαριστώ πατριώτη).
I would like more precise directions as I am soooo new at this. I have the
Pharo app, which returns an OrderedCollection. I created a class PrintHtml
(inherents from WAComponent) with an instance variable in which I bind the
ordered collection. Then, in workspace, I am trying to create an object for
each of these classes, but in PrintHtml renderContentsOn: html, the instance
variable looks undefined. I hope that you understand my problem. :D

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