nacho wrote:
Hi, this is my first post in the Pharo group.
I'm developing a simple Text Editor with some nice features as a way to
understand how Spec works. It seems that Spec will be the default UI
framework from Pharo 3 onwards, I know it's changing and evolving but I'll
take the risk.
The problem I'm facing is that I'm lost at trying to add a "Save as..."
option in the menu.
It seems that Spec is still using the Morphic MenuMorph>>ToggleMenuItemMorph
but it's not clear to me hoy to add this item.
On the other hand, inspecting the ComposableModel class, it seem that in the
future this will be done directly in Spec as suggested by the
But so far that method simply says "do nothing".
Any help?
Thanks in advance

Check ComposableModel subclass WindowModel. I believe #addMenuItemsToWindowMenu: is just for the Window Menu (the small downward pointing arrow in the title bar) - so it doesn't apply to other ComposableModel subclasses like ListModel, etc.

cheers -ben

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