Hi Olivier,

Can you please test the latest Zn with your use case ?

You can load ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents from StHub and do

  ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents project bleedingEdge load.

The are the relevant commits:

Name: Zinc-Character-Encoding-Core-SvenVanCaekenberghe.22
Author: SvenVanCaekenberghe
Time: 24 October 2013, 10:40:00.795063 am
UUID: 3d7bc73c-48b3-40af-8c01-5ba533472a92
Ancestors: Zinc-Character-Encoding-Core-SvenVanCaekenberghe.21

Made the default safeSet of ZnPercentEncoder an explicit constant named 
Name: Zinc-Resource-Meta-Core-SvenVanCaekenberghe.21
Author: SvenVanCaekenberghe
Time: 24 October 2013, 10:48:32.342296 am
UUID: 7401fc4c-0f26-46e4-8f7d-b0bf10e8352c
Ancestors: Zinc-Resource-Meta-Core-SvenVanCaekenberghe.20

Rewrote ZnUrl percent encoding to use safe sets per component;
Fixed a bug in ZnUrl>>#parseAuthority:from:to: where end was not respected (Thx 
Olivier Auverlot);
Removed/renamed ZnResourceMetaUtils class>>#encodePercent:withEncoding to 
Added some safeSet constants to ZnResourceMetaUtils
Name: Zinc-Resource-Meta-Tests-SvenVanCaekenberghe.13
Author: SvenVanCaekenberghe
Time: 24 October 2013, 10:50:11.698368 am
UUID: 2d73205c-3415-4597-8d98-abcff1e16259
Ancestors: Zinc-Resource-Meta-Tests-SvenVanCaekenberghe.12

Added ZnUrlTests>>#testComponentSpecificEncoding
Fixed ZnUrlTests>>#testQueryEncoding
Fixed ZnMimeTypeTests>>#testLegacy

It should work, let me know how it goes ;-)


On 24 Oct 2013, at 08:01, Olivier Auverlot <olivier.auver...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the improvement. Don't hesitate to contact me if I can help you
> Olivier ;-)
> Le 22 oct. 2013 à 18:49, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit :
>> On 22 Oct 2013, at 18:27, "p...@highoctane.be" <p...@highoctane.be> wrote:
>>> Ok, point taken.
>>> Still, ZnClient is unusable for the intended purpose as is. No matter what 
>>> encoding, % or not, Olivier cannot get the URL to work. Couldn't the 
>>> ZnClient use something like the StampClient does: options? (where 
>>> prefetch-count can be set for example - I also discovered the little inbox 
>>> thing after some hair pulling sessions BTW).
>>> Phil
>> But Olivier's problem is that he is talking to a server that does not do 
>> proper percent decoding, IMHO. A server parsing a URL should resolve all 
>> percent encodings, after parsing using the significant delimiters (/ : ? #).
>> http://foo.com/abc and http://foo.com/%61%62%63 are the same thing, just 
>> like http://foo.com/abc@1 and http://foo.com/abc%401 are - again as far as I 
>> understand it.
>> That being said, I am going to study the specs again and might change what 
>> gets encoded or not depending on the URL element, instead of encoding 
>> aggressively in the better safe than sorry way.
>> Olivier's suggestion about safer authorisation parsing does make sense and 
>> will get added as well - Thanks Olivier !
>> Sven
>> PS: BTW, ZnClient has such an option object already.

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