we should add that to the book chapter :)

On Sep 14, 2013, at 2:16 PM, Camillo Bruni <camillobr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Short Answer:
> -------------
> problemSize is used to calibrate your benchmark, so usually you adapt this 
> value for
> your machine. And yes you are right, the result is not divided by the 
> problemSize.
> Long Answer:
> ------------
> The typical use case is like this:
> MathBench >> benchLoopSinus
>       1 to: self problemSize to: [ :i | i sin ]
> Now you have two parameters to modifiy:
> 1. the number of samples you take (aka, how many times you measure the time 
> of #benchLoopSinus)
> 2. the problem size (aka, how many times you run #sin inside #benchLoopSinus)
> You increase (1) to get a more stable result:
> MathBench run: 1 "for debugging".
> MathBench run: 100 "will take a long time, but results are more accurate"
> You modify (2) to change the duration of your benchmark, in my silly example 
> above, the
> method is quite small and the benchmark would finish too quickly. Rule of 
> thumb is to 
> get the run time of your benchmark (here #benchLoopSinus) in the range of 
> 10ms and more.
> This way you don't have to worry about the timer resolution used to capture 
> the duration
> of your method.
> Does this answer your question?
> On 2013-09-14, at 08:06, Natalia Tymchuk <natalia.tymc...@unikernel.net> 
> wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I have a question about problemSize in benchmarking. I got the small times 
>> from running benchmarks and that's why I try to use problemSize like in the 
>> video http://vimeo.com/68494202. But the benchmark for which I rewrote code 
>> and used problemSize has given me very big result. Maybe it looks like there 
>> is no division on that problemSize. Am I wrong? What can I do?
>> Best regards,
>> Natalia
>> 12.09.13 15:20, Stéphane Ducasse написав(ла):
>>> On Sep 11, 2013, at 9:22 PM, Natalia Tymchuk 
>>> <natalia.moskovc...@unikernel.net> wrote:
>>>> Hello Stephane.
>>>> Yes, I'm interested in that and it will be an honor for me)).
>>> Excellent.
>>> If you have a github account let me know and I will add you as a contributor
>>> Have a look at
>>> https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/PharoForTheEnterprise-english/tree/master/Drafts/
>>>> But I never wrote the books and my English is not at its best level. 
>>>> However I think that after a couple reviews my English will be better .
>>> No stress :)
>>> My english sucks too and we should not care for now.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Natalia

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