
what happens is that if you declare a "kind", you forces all elements to be of 
that specific class. 
Solution is just not add that property:

        ^VOMongoToManyDescription new
                attributeName: 'members';
                accessor: #members;
                "kind: Member; "                                                
"<-- NO!"

And same happens in the <mongoContainer> description in the top of your 
hierarchy... you must NOT declare a kind. 
Also, if you want all members to go in just one collection. #isVoyageRoot has 
to be implemented in the top of the hierarchy and not in the subclasses

"<-- #isVoyageRoot = true here!"

what happens then is that voyage will create a collection and for each document 
it stores in it will also store the attribute '#instanceOf', which will be used 
to retrieve the correct object. 


what happens then is that 

On Aug 31, 2013, at 12:53 AM, Esteban A. Maringolo <emaring...@gmail.com> wrote:

> More or less, I have this working.
> In the Group class I have a description named:
> descriptionMembers
> <mongoDescription>
> ^VOMongoToManyDescription new
> attributeName: 'members';
> accessor: #members;
> kind: Member;
> beLazy;
> yourself
> And in the Member class I have
> descriptionGroups
> <mongoDescription>
> ^VOMongoToManyDescription new
>      attributeName: 'groups';
>      accessor: #groups;
>      kind: Group;
>      beLazy;
>      yourself
> But what if Member is an abstract class and the elements can be any of
> SingleMember or ComplexMember?, each one is stored in a separate
> collection in Mongo.
> If I do specify #kind: Member in my #descriptionMembers it won't work.
> Any ideas?
> Regards,
> Esteban A. Maringolo
> 2013/8/30 Esteban A. Maringolo <emaring...@gmail.com>:
>> 2013/8/30 James Foster <smallt...@jgfoster.net>:
>>> It seems that I mistook the question for something easy enough for me to 
>>> answer! Unfortunately, I don't have any knowledge of Voyage+MongoDB so 
>>> can't really give the proper answer.
>> Thanks anyway, it is a problem you'll never find in GemStone/S ;-)

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