I think you are using Glamour the wrong way :). As I understand, you have a TreeBrowser>>#accumulator method that answers an instance of a GLMAccumulator. In this case, all you have to do is:
TreeBrowser new accumulator openOn: yourDesiredInputObject. I suggest that you take a look at the "GLMBasicExamples open", and perhaps you can also read the Glamour chapter from the MooseBook ( http://themoosebook.org/book/internals/glamour). Doru On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 3:10 PM, Mohammad Al Houssami (Alumni) < mh...@mail.aub.edu> wrote: > I am trying to use the Glamour and as I first step I copied the code > provided in the examples and pasted it in a new class called tree browser. > I then tried to execute this in my workspace:**** > > *|browser accum renderer|* > > *browser := TreeBrowser new.* > > *accum := browser accumulator.* > > *renderer := GLMMorphicRenderer new.* > > *accum renderGlamorouslyOn: renderer. * > > * * > > I thought that executing this would give a window or something but it > didn't and I can't figure out how to do so. I don’t get any error message > or anything. How is it supposed to show a window on the screen? Is there > some other command I have to add to display the window? **** > > ** ** > > Thank you J**** > -- www.tudorgirba.com "Every thing has its own flow"