What Metacello line ? :-)

I see that we are navigating the same kinds of waters with these things.
Hopefully for the best. I am also quite concerned about the image doing
blocking calls w/ databases etc.


On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 2:11 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <
marianop...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 9:02 AM, p...@highoctane.be <p...@highoctane.be>wrote:
>> Yes, same for me here.
>> I'll update my configuration to load everything in a fresh 2.0 and report
>> the results.
>> Thing is that loading that full configuration takes ages (GlorpDBX is
>> taking 20 minutes to load...) and the VM gets the SmallInteger bug
>> triggered with such a large config...
> It's easy to fix workaround SmallInteger  add issue. Just one line of code
> in Metacello.
> And yes, it takes ages. I also build an app that loads Seaside, Magritte3,
> GlorpDBX, etc and it takes quite a lot.
> Esteban did something to improve Monticello loading in Pharo 3.0....but
> that's 3.0, not 2.0...
>> I really need to get to grips with what happens down there.
>> Phil
>> On Monday, July 29, 2013, Sebastian Tleye wrote:
>>> Try loading the packages each one at time, and between packages save the
>>> image and check if it is growing.
>>> 2013/7/29 Sebastian Tleye <stl...@gmail.com>
>>> What also happened to me, is that, each time i saved the image (even if
>>> i did nothing), the image was growing its size.
>>> 2013/7/29 Sebastian Tleye <stl...@gmail.com>
>>> Mmm, so i'm not sure.
>>> I remember, when i had this problem, i was using directly changeSets, i
>>> solved the problem doing "FileIn entire file" instead of "Install into a
>>> new change set" (when you drag a changeset into Pharo). But it was like a
>>> random bug since i haven't had that problem again (even using "Install into
>>> a new change set"
>>> 2013/7/29 p...@highoctane.be <p...@highoctane.be>
>>> Hi Sebastian,
>>> No, not intentionally. My code is going into the default change set and
>>> there isn't that much.
>>> But... when looking at the Changes Sorter, there are indeed a lot of
>>> entries related to all of those modules (due to the configurations being
>>> loaded I guess - see screenshots for samples, the list is much longer).
>>> Phil
>>> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 11:39 AM, Sebastian Tleye <stl...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hi Phil
>>> Have you been using changeSets?
>>> I had the same problem once, i couldn't figure out what the problem was,
>>> but i think there is a problem in the sorter tool (and change sets).
>>> 2013/7/29 p...@highoctane.be <p...@highoctane.be>
>>> Hello,
>>> I've been loading all of those packages in order to build a full web
>>> stack development image.
>>> Everything now loads fine and kind of works but...
>>> The image is really slowing down and the size is getting very large.
>>> Here is the current one:
>>>  332580684 29 jul 10:50
>>> Pharo-DripfeedIt-Magritte3-OpenDBX_20130729_1050.image
>>> 300+ megs...
>>> I've been doing some development in there and started looking for why
>>> this was getting so large and slow.
>>> I did a SpaceTally print analysis and imported the results in a
>>> spreadsheet.
>>> Look at the top consumers, especially the Semaphore thing. It is way
>>> beyond whatever was expected. There is something wrong there.
>>> There must be a leak of Points, MorphExtensions and I can't just figure
>>> out why there are so many Floats.
>>> I've been running test suites for some of the packages (e.g. OpenDBX and
>>> Glorp) and this may be the result.
>>> This image  is kind of what one doing web dev would end up with.
>>> But then, it is very hard to get rid of that unwanted space.
>>> I am trying to build a system I can start using for business projects
>>> and feel concerned about that memory growth very seriously.
>>> Any pointers (I chased some already but here, there are way too many
>>> entries)
>>> Thx
>>> Phil
>> --
>> ---
>> Philippe Back
>> Dramatic Performance Improvements
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> --
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com

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