The Fundación Argentina de Smalltalk (FAST, invites you to the 7th International Conference on Smalltalk Technologies (Smalltalks), to be held from October 30th through November 1st at the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Rosario, located in Rosario, Argentina.

Everyone, including teachers, students, researchers, developers and entrepreneurs, are welcome as speakers or attendees. Registration is free and now open at

This year we are accepting donations from participants to help fund the conference's costs. Please see the Donate section at FAST's website, Contributions are greatly appreciated, and can be received both in pesos for local attendees, as well as via Paypal for those coming from abroad. Donors will receive a set of thank you gifts as well as the conference's shirt.

The goal of the Conference is to strengthen the bonds between the Argentine and the international Smalltalk community through the exchange of works, experiences and anecdotes connected with this technology and related matters.

As in the previous editions, renowned members of the international Smalltalk community will visit us, and like last year we will have a Research Session with publications reviewed by an international committee.

Also, the traditional Industry Track will be available for those who prefer a more practical environment. You can submit papers or talks now through our website at

The Industry Track's submission deadline is October 7th.

For more information about related events, such as a Pharo Sprint or talks and presentations around the dates of the conference, please visit

We will update related event information as we get closer to the conference, so please check for updates.

As in previous years, we will have a social dinner during the conference. If you are planning to attend, please reply to this email with a subject of "[Social Dinner]" and indicate how many people will be coming in your party. We will have a variety of dishes available for everyone. If you have special needs other than vegetarian dishes, please let us know.

For any additional questions please contact us at

See you there!

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