Dear Fellow Pharoers,
We are happy to announce a new initiative, a listing of Pharo Consultants, If you are able and willing to provide professional Pharo Consultancy services and would like to be listed as such, please send the necessary info to so that we can include you. This is a listing of individuals. Apart from your knowledge of and involvement with Pharo itself, the only requirement is that you are either a paying Pharo Association ( member or related to one of the members of the Pharo Consortium ( The recorded information is minimal, but includes a link to a website. The order of the listing itself is randomised each time it is generated. Your email address will be obfuscated a bit to limit spam. As a Pharo Consultant, you can advertise that fact using a nice URL, Cool, right ? Please provide your info in one of the following forms. Smalltalk expression: PharoConsultant new name: 'Sven Van Caekenberghe'; location: 'Hasselt, Belgium'; email: ''; website: ''; languages: 'Dutch (native), English, French, German'; industryExperienceSince: 1990; smalltalkExperienceSince: 1993; pharoExperienceSince: 2010; areasOfExpertise: 'Web Services & Applications, Servers, Networking, Protocols'; yourself STON: PharoConsultant { #name : 'Sven Van Caekenberghe', #email : '', #website : '', #location : 'Hasselt, Belgium', #languages : 'Dutch (native), English, French, German', #areasOfExpertise : 'Web Services & Applications, Servers, Networking, Protocols', #industryExperienceSince : 1990, #pharoExperienceSince : 2010, #smalltalkExperienceSince : 1993 } Regards, Sven, on behalf of the Pharo Board. PS: The Pharo Contributors page will get an overhaul soon too.