On 07/03/2013 10:43 PM, Marcus Denker wrote:
> On Jul 4, 2013, at 12:04 AM, Paul DeBruicker <pdebr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is there any documentation on the changes between 1.4 and 2 for the
>> refactoring tools? Or how to use them effectively to refactor code?
>> I'm familiar with Lukas Renggli's writing on them and used them
>> regularly in 1.4.
>> I'm just trying to use the RBParseTreeRewriter from within a workspace
>> but with it limited to a package or class hierarchy.
> There should be no changes on that level. The difference just is that we use
> another UI.
>       Marcus

Camillo and I deteremined that its probably a Nautilus bug that prevents
the "Code Rewriting" tools from working in Pharo 2 (I'm using 20606)
from within the browser (see
 But in 1.4 you could use Omnibrowser & the Code rewriting tools.

Since writing the original email in this thread I figured out that in a
Workspace you could do this:

environment := RBBrowserEnvironment new forClasses: Collection

rule := RBTransformationRule new.
rule rewriteRule replace: '`@object isEmpty' with: '`@object isNotEmpty'.

RBSmalllintChecker runRule: rule onEnvironment: environment.

change := RBCompositeRefactoryChange new.
change changes: rule changes.
change execute

to rewrite code.

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