this is bug due to one my my recent changes. Now this bug is really interesting 
it shows that we will have some work before we can use Pharo 200% from the 
command line 
in headless mode.

The bug is due to the fact that we should change the world and to change the 
world we should 
kill the UIProcess, but killing the UIProcess is like shooting in your head.

The changes I did are working well in interactive mode but not in headless and 
since the build
and integration server are running headless we are in trouble.

So we will take a pragmatic road and do the updates in inetractive mode and 
push the results
on the build server (esteban the great wise proposed it and I think that we 
should do it that way).

But we will have to think about an infrastructure where we can modify the 
complete system
while running it. And the code evaluation is one part.


On Jul 1, 2013, at 6:52 PM, wyattbiker <> wrote:

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> Pharo3.0
> Latest update: #30237
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