Hi donald

you have to define a configurationOfLog4J by hand (soon there will be a tool)
Have a look at the metacello chapter

You can look for example at the Soup project in PharoExtras on SmalltalkHub to 
get an example.

Now for your problem apparently you somehow requires the package Bindings-Core 
and when you load Log4J the system does not how to 
find it.

On Jun 30, 2013, at 1:04 AM, Donald <dm...@instantiations.com> wrote:

> On 6/29/2013 7:00 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
>> Hi Donald,
>> I guess there should be a ConfigurationOfLog4j (or similar name) that 
>> defines the versions, the baselines, dependencies, etc. Imagine this 
>> (similarly) as a ConfigurationMap. So I guess what you have to do is to take 
>> ConfigurationOfLog4j, edit the necessary #baselineXXX method and remove the 
>> #requires that brings Bindings-Core.
>> Torsten, where is the conf?
> ok. Where does ConfigurationOfLog4j  live?
> Sorry to be dense, but Envy takes care of these things for me day to day.
> -- 
> Donald [|]
> A bad day in [] is better than a good day in {}

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