Hi Paul
> I would recompile a class or "class with subclasses" hierarchy manually
> with the Transcript open after removing an inst var definition from a
> class to see if I left any references to the inst var.  The 'recompile'
> menu option only appeared once you had limited the refactoring scope in
> some way.

I see what you mean and this frustrates me since years.
I'm working (I should do another pass) on a minimal logging framework that the
the compiler should be able to use and that the user gets presented with a list 
of log objects
such as this references to unknown variables. In fact I started a object 
logging framework just because
of this poor approach.
I hate transcript and strings just for this unstructured and stupid behavior 
(you have to open 
the transcript before else …. :)

Stef so I will kick myself and restart to work on it.
> Thanks
> Paul
> On 06/15/2013 01:02 AM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
>> Hi Paul
>> what was doing the recompile? Why was it needed?
>> Now we can scope refactoring but I do not know about the recompile all since 
>> I do not know it was there and useful.
>> Stef
>> On Jun 14, 2013, at 9:32 PM, Paul DeBruicker <pdebr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> In earlier versions of Pharo you could choose a refactoring scope and
>>> then recompile everything in that scope by choosing the 'recompile' menu
>>> item .  Is there a way to do the same thing in Pharo 2?
>>> Thanks

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