On Jun 14, 2013, at 11:33 PM, Andy Burnett <andy.burn...@knowinnovation.com> wrote:
> <<< > This should work: > > (ZnServer defaultOn: 1701) > logToTranscript; > delegate: ((ZnStaticFileServerDelegate new) > prefixFromString: > 'apple/macosx'; > directory: > '/Library/WebServer/Documents' asFileReference; > yourself); > start. > > ZnClient new get: 'http://localhost:1701/apple/macosx/'. > > If there is no index.html in the directory, you'll need to refer to an actual > file. > > >>> > > Thanks Sven, that's great! And, I am glad I asked, because I wouldn't have > worked that out. > > It seems to me that Zinc is becoming sufficiently powerful that it could do > with a section in the collaboractive cookbook. Could someone on this list > give me an account? I could start to capture bits and pieces. Andy have a look on git https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/PharoForTheEnterprise-english I started to convert all the zinc documentation that sven wrote. We can add a new chapter on Zinc Usage. We are working on a format that generates autoamtically PDF and html for the next books. Stef > > cheers > Andy