This seems to be a perfect match for a Mongo DB via MongoTalk:!/~francois/MongoTalk

If you already have an object model, Esteban Lorenzano wrote a nice library
on top of it called Voyage that is probably useful for you. You can see
some details here:!/~estebanlm/Voyage


On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 4:11 PM, Boris Spasojević <>wrote:

>  Hi all,
> I have a need to persist a really large and funny object structure in
> Pharo (a huge Dictionary of Dictionaries) and I would like to be able to
> query this data from a remote image.
> Basically what I am looking for is some form of database that would allow
> me to input elements in to this structure from one image, and read them out
> in another image with queries like i.e.
> dictionaryOfDictionaries select: [ :each |
>     (each keys includes: key1) and: [  each keys includes: key2 ]
> ]
> It does not have to be strictly an OO database, anything that could enable
> me to do this fast and easy would be nice.
> Any suggestions/ideas/comments?
> Boris Spasojević - Борис Спасојевић
> *Research assistant*
> Software Composition Group <>
> Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics<>
> University of Bern <>
> email:
> office phone: +41 (0)31 511 7636
> mobile: +41 (0)76 66 88 175
> webpage:


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