
Please load the latest version of PetitParser in Pharo 2.0 from SmalltalkHub:

Gofer new 
        smalltalkhubUser: 'Moose' project: 'PetitParser';
        package: 'ConfigurationOfPetitParser';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPetitParser)


On May 17, 2013, at 7:23 PM, Alain Busser <alain.bus...@gmail.com> wrote:

> OK, I used Monticello with the Moose address, and downloaded petitsmalltalk 
> and PetitParser, as well as configuration files. I made 
> (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPetitParser)
>     perform: #loadDefault.
> once again, and clicked on the petit entry in the tools menu ... and Pharo 
> crashed!
> On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 9:11 PM, Alain Busser <alain.bus...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I made
> Gofer new
>     renggli: 'petit';
>     package: 'ConfigurationOfPetitParser';
>     load.
> (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPetitParser)
>     perform: #loadDefault.
> The tool is actually loaded but when I try to launch it from the system menu 
> I get a 
> receiver of "-" is nil
> Same message if in the workspace I type PPBrowser new open, but not if I try 
> PPBrowser new inspect (there, I have an inspector open on the PPBrowser)
> I'll switch to smalltalkhub now
> Alain
> On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 10:44 AM, stephane ducasse <stephane.duca...@free.fr> 
> wrote:
> ****ALL*** the moose people are using PetitParser and it loads in 20.
> so where you took the code from?
> The official repositories are on SmalltalkHub/Moose
> Stef
> On May 16, 2013, at 8:27 PM, Alain Busser <alain.bus...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a similar problem with PetitParser (loads well under Pharo 1.4, not 
>> as well under Pharo 2.0)
>> Alain
>> On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 8:56 PM, Camille Teruel <camille.ter...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> On 16 mai 2013, at 17:59, stephane ducasse wrote:
>>> yes normally the moose people.
>>> This is strange because eyesee is in Moose and we load it daily in 2.0.
>> Maybe the smalltalk hub repo is more up to date? 
>>> Stef
>>>> Thanks for your answer Camille!
>>>> I tried it.
>>>> It loads well on 1.4 but in 2.0 shows warining about a non satisfied 
>>>> blockclosure class.
>>>> Then when I run the test there is a faliure with the anouncements, which 
>>>> also accured when I tried the examples.
>>>> Is someone maintaining this?
>>>> Thanks again,
>>>> Juan
>>>> On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 11:27 AM, Camille Teruel 
>>>> <camille.ter...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Juan,
>>>> You can have a look to eyeSee:
>>>> Gofer it
>>>>     squeaksource: 'EyeSee';
>>>>     package: 'ConfigurationOfEyeSee';
>>>>     load.
>>>> (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfEyeSee) loadDefault
>>>> On 16 mai 2013, at 16:03, Juan Ignacio Vaccarezza wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>       Does anybody know a chart framework? Im looking fo something like 
>>>>> jfreechart (java chart framework).
>>>>>       I need bar graph, pie chart, and line chart.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Juan


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