Hi all,Exploring the system browser (Pharo 2.0), I see that there exists a class called TextEditorDialogWindow; as this name sounds interesting to me, I want to test one, and I see that there is only one method in the category 'create': this method is called newTextEditorMorph. So, I send the message newTextEditorMorph to the class TextEditorDialogWindow, daring a:TextEditorDialogWindow newTextEditorMorphAt the 'Do It', I get this error message: 'TextEditorDialogWindow class(Object) doesNotUnderstand: #newTextEditorMorph'That's what I don't understand: If the class has a method called this way, why does it not understand the corresponding message? What did I miss?Alain
This method is on the instance side of the class and therefore requires
TextEditorDialogWindow new newTextEditorMorph. If it were on the class
side, it would be like you were trying it.
- [Pharo-users] a 'doesNotUnderstand' message that I d... Alain Busser
- Re: [Pharo-users] a 'doesNotUnderstand' message... Benjamin
- Re: [Pharo-users] a 'doesNotUnderstand' message... Chris
- Re: [Pharo-users] a 'doesNotUnderstand' mes... Alain Busser
- Re: [Pharo-users] a 'doesNotUnderstand' message... Mariano Martinez Peck