On 2024-Sep-10, James Pang wrote:

> Hi experts,
>     we have a Postgresql v14.8 database, almost thousands of backends hang
> on MultiXactOffsetSLRU at the same time, all of these sessions running same
> query "SELECT ....", from OS and postgresql slow log, we found all of these
> query on "BIND" stage.
>  LOG:  duration: 36631.688 ms  bind S_813: SELECT
> LOG:  duration: 36859.786 ms  bind S_1111: SELECT
> LOG:  duration: 35868.148 ms  bind <unnamed>: SELECT
> LOG:  duration: 36906.471 ms  bind <unnamed>: SELECT
> LOG:  duration: 35955.489 ms  bind <unnamed>: SELECT
> LOG:  duration: 36833.510 ms  bind <unnamed>: SELECT
> LOG:  duration: 36839.535 ms  bind S_1219: SELECT
> ...
> this database hang on MultiXactOffsetSLRU and MultiXactOffsetBuffer long
> time.
> could you direct me why they are hanging on 'BIND‘ stage with
> MultiXactOffsetSLRU ?

Very likely, it's related to this problem
[1] https://thebuild.com/blog/2023/01/18/a-foreign-key-pathology-to-avoid/

This is caused by a suboptimal implementation of what we call SLRU,
which multixact uses underneath.  For years, many people dodged this
problem by recompiling with a changed value for
NUM_MULTIXACTOFFSET_BUFFERS in src/include/access/multixact.h (it was
originally 8 buffers, which is very small); you'll need to do that in
all releases up to pg16.  In pg17 this was improved[2] and you'll be
able to change the value in postgresql.conf, though the default already
being larger than the original (16 instead of 8), you may not need to.


Álvaro Herrera         PostgreSQL Developer  —  https://www.EnterpriseDB.com/
"La victoria es para quien se atreve a estar solo"

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