On Tue, 2024-01-30 at 11:40 +0200, Pavlos Kallis wrote:
> I have the following table:
> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.shortened_url
> (
>     id character varying(12) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
>     created_at timestamp without time zone,
>     expires_at timestamp without time zone,
>     url text COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
>     CONSTRAINT shortened_url_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
> )
> The table contains only the following index on PRIMARY KEY:
>     ON public.shortened_url USING btree
>     (id COLLATE pg_catalog."default" ASC NULLS LAST)
>     TABLESPACE pg_default;
> This table has approximately 5 million rows of expired URLs (expires_at < 
> now()), and 5 thousand rows of non-expired URLs (expires_at > now())
> I deleted all expired URLs with this query:
> DELETE FROM shortened_url WHERE expires_at < now().
> Then, I tried to query the table for expired URLs:
> SELECT * FROM shortened_url WHERE expires_at < now();
> This query was very slow. It took around 1-2 minutes to run, while it had to 
> fetch only 5000 rows (the non-expired URLs, since the other ones were 
> deleted).
> After that, I tried to run VACUUM ANALYZE and REINDEX to the table.
> The query was still slow.
> Finally, I ran VACUUM FULL and re-executed the query. Only then, it started 
> running fast (1-2 seconds).
> Do you have observed a similar behavior with VACUUM ANALYZE / VACUUM FULL and 
> why this can happen? 
> Is this because data is compacted after VACUUM FULL and sequential disk reads 
> are faster? 
> Shouldn't VACUUM ANALYZE reclaim the disk space and make the query run fast?
> Is this because RDS might do some magic? Is it something I am missing?

There are too many unknowns here.  Please enable "track_io_timing" and send us
the output of EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) for the slow statements.

One theory could be that there was a long running transaction or something else
that prevented VACUUM from cleaning up.  For that, the output of
"VACUUM (VERBOSE) shortened_url" would be interesting.

> Additional details
> PostgreSQL version: 14.7 on db.t3.micro RDS
> PG configuration: Default of RDS

We can only speak about real PostgreSQL...

Laurenz Albe

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