I took the dump just to store it on another storage (external HDD). I didn't do anything with it.
29.08.2023, 21:42, "Jeff Janes" <jeff.ja...@gmail.com>:
On Tue, Aug 29, 2023 at 1:47 PM Rondat Flyag <rondatfl...@yandex.ru> wrote:
I have a legacy system that uses `Posgresql 9.6` and `Ubuntu 16.04`. Everything was fine several days ago even with standard Postgresql settings. I dumped a database with the compression option (maximum compression level -Z 9) in order to have a smaller size (`pg_dump --compress=9 database_name > database_name.sql`). After that I got a lot of problems.
You describe taking a dump of the database, but don't describe doing anything with it.  Did you replace your system with one restored from that dump?  If so, did vacuum and analyze afterwards?

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