Hello Guys.

I'd like to report back on this issue as I've been monitoring on this
installation that has very large distinct sqls and I noticed something that
isn't probably new here but I'd like to confirm that again.

So after I reduced the pg_stat_statements.max from 10k to 3k
pgss_query_texts.stat was peaking at a reasonable size of ~450MB and by
monitoring the file size I was able to have a 1min window interval when the
pgss_query_texts.stat gc was happening. but whenever a gc was detected a
bunch of statements would get logged on the pg log as slow statements and
all would report taking around 1s some statements are like "BEGIN",
"COMMIT" then last week I asked for another reduction from 3k to 300
pg_stat_statements.max and those slow statement reports aren't happening
anymore even if pgss_query_texts.stat gc still occurs.

my question is: is it safe to assume that because the gc of
pgss_query_texts.stat requires a global lock this is a limitation of
pg_stat_statements current implementation?


On Wed, Aug 3, 2022 at 11:17 AM Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

> bruno da silva <brunogi...@gmail.com> writes:
> > *Question: *Besides the gc issue that you mentioned, having a large (
> 700MB
> > or 1GB ) pgss_query_texts.stat could cause slowness in pg_stat_statement
> > processing
> > than leading to slower query responses with a 32bit PG? I'm thinking in
> > reducing pg_stat_statements.max from 10k to 3k
> Whether or not we've fully identified the problem, I think cutting
> pg_stat_statements.max is a good idea.  Especially as long as you're
> stuck on an unsupported PG version.
>                         regards, tom lane

Bruno da Silva

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