On 7/26/22 08:59, James Pang (chaolpan) wrote:
   We use JDBC to export data into csv ,then copy that to Postgres. Multiple sessions working on multiple tables.  If not set unlogged , how to make COPY run fast ?   possible to start a transaction include all of these  “truncate table xxx; copy table xxxx; create index on tables….” With wal_level=minimal, is it ok to make copy and create index  without logging ?

Not sure if it would work for you, but perhaps a usable strategy would be to partition the existing large table on something (e.g. a new column like batch number?).

Then (completely untested) I *think* you could create the "partition" initially as a free standing unlogged table, load it, index it, switch to logged, and then attach it to the partitioned table.

Perhaps you could also have a background job that periodically aggregates the batch partitions into larger buckets to minimize the overall number of partitions.

Joe Conway
RDS Open Source Databases
Amazon Web Services: https://aws.amazon.com

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