
PostgreSQLv14- compiled with LLVM-Clangv13 and GCCv11,And captured
performance using HammerDBv4.3-TPC-H.
And Observed the functionality differences as LLVM-Clangv13-triggers
heapgetpage instead XidInMVCCSnapshot or vice versa with GCC.
I would like to know here the functionality differences triggered i.e.
function call "heapgetpage vs XidInMVCCSnapshot '' in GCC vs LLVM-Clangv13
And also observed the performance difference GCC performing (Query
execution time (small value is better) better than LLVM-Clang 13 on same
BareMetal with same H/W and DB configurations

 perf data top hot functions:
 TPCH-Query-completed-50.526 seconds

 Overhead    Symbol
  19.41%    [.] tts_buffer_heap_getsomeattrs
 * 17.75%    [.] heapgetpage*
   9.46%    [.] bpchareq
   5.86%    [.] ExecEvalScalarArrayOp
   5.85%    [.] ExecInterpExpr
   4.50%    [.] ReadBuffer_common
   3.02%    [.] heap_getnextslot


   TPCH-Query-completed-41.593 seconds

  21.13%            [.] tts_buffer_heap_getsomeattrs
  *11.58%            [.] XidInMVCCSnapshot*
  10.87%            [.] bpchareq
   7.07%            [.] ExecEvalScalarArrayOp
   5.93%            [.] ExecInterpExpr
   5.16%            [.] ReadBuffer_common
   3.61%            [.] heapgetpage


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