Thanks for your quick response, yes, pretty complicated logical replication 
between databases for our system, the logical replication tool just support V13 
until now and it take long time for this vendor to support V14.    We just 
migrate from Oracle to Postgres, a lot of partition tables and huge table data 
in partition tables too, and we see big difference with part SQL response time 
between Oracle and PGv13, especially for "updates" on tables with many 
partitions(>2k partitions).  
  I will share update and push replication tool and old app support V14 as a 
best way to improve partition table update for large tables, and as first step 
of tuning , we try to reduce partition count for these tables in PGV13.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane <> 
Sent: Friday, July 1, 2022 9:18 PM
To: Justin Pryzby <>
Cc: James Pang (chaolpan) <>;
Subject: Re: partition pruning only works for select but update

Justin Pryzby <> writes:
> On Fri, Jul 01, 2022 at 08:30:40AM +0000, James Pang (chaolpan) wrote:
>> We have other application depend on V13, possible to backport code 
>> changes to V13 as 
>> 56dfdbd9d1b891718d2e5614e3e432f35

> In any case, I'm sure the feature won't be backpatched to v13 - it's 
> an improvement but not a bugfix.

Even more to the point, it was an extremely major change and would take a huge 
amount of QA effort to ensure that dropping it into v13 wouldn't cause fresh 
problems.  The PG community has exactly no interest in making such effort.

Besides which, what do you imagine "depends on v13" actually means?
If you have an app that works on v13 but not v14, maybe it's because it depends 
on the old behavior in some way.

Spend your effort on updating your app, instead.

                        regards, tom lane

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