I added the additional where clauses to remove needing to join multiple
columns which I guess didn't really help. This is the original query:

          *SELECT*  rr.* *FROM* rpc rpc

                       *INNER* *JOIN rr* rr

                           *ON* rr.uuid = rpc.rr_id

                       *INNER* *JOIN* rs rs

                           *ON* rs.r_d = rpc.r_id

                       *INNER* *JOIN* *role* r

                           *ON* r.uuid = rs.r_id

                       *inner* *JOIN* subject_permission_control spc

                           *ON* spc.rr_id = rpc.rr_id

                           *AND* spc.s_id = rs.s_id

                           *AND* spc.c_id = rpc.c_id

                           *AND* spc.is_active = *true*

                   *WHERE* rs.s_id = 'caa767b8-8371-43a3-aa11-d1dba1893601'

                       *AND* rpc.rr_id =

                       *AND* rpc.c_id =

                       *AND* rr.b_id = 'testb1'

                       *AND* (('GLOBAL' = ' NO_PROJECT_ID + "' ) *OR* (rr.
p_id = 'GLOBAL'))

                       *AND* spc.type *IS* *NULL*

                       *AND* rpc.is_active = *true* *AND* rr.is_active =
*true* *AND* rs.is_active = *true* *AND* r.is_active = *true*

I tied prepared statements and I am stuck. Using prepared statement almost
always chooses a crappy generic plan that runs slow. If I don't user
prepared statement, the plan is efficient but the planning time is slow.
I'll try the join_collapse_limit advice and see if that helps. Thank you!

On Wed, Apr 6, 2022 at 5:54 PM David G. Johnston <david.g.johns...@gmail.com>

> On Wed, Apr 6, 2022 at 5:27 PM Saurabh Sehgal <saurabh....@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I have the following query:
>>  *explain* (*analyze*, costs, timing) *SELECT*  rr.* *FROM* rpc rpc
>>                        *INNER* *JOIN* rr rr
>>                            *ON* rr.uuid = rpc.rr_id
>>                        *INNER* *JOIN* rs rs
>>                            *ON* rs.r_id = rpc.r_id
>>                        *INNER* *JOIN* *role* r
>>                            *ON* r.uuid = rs.r_id
>>                        *LEFT* *JOIN* spc spc
>>                            *ON* spc.rr_id = rpc.rr_id
>>                    *WHERE* rs.s_id =
>> 'caa767b8-8371-43a3-aa11-d1dba1893601'
>>                        *and* spc.s_id  =
>> 'caa767b8-8371-43a3-aa11-d1dba1893601'
>>                        *and* spc.rd_id  =
>> '9f33c45a-90c2-4e05-a42e-048ec1f2b2fa'
>>                        *AND* rpc.rd_id =
>> '9f33c45a-90c2-4e05-a42e-048ec1f2b2fa'
>>                        *AND* rpc.c_id =
>> '9fd29fdc-15fd-40bb-b85d-8cfe99734987'
>>                        *and* spc.c_id  =
>> '9fd29fdc-15fd-40bb-b85d-8cfe99734987'
>>                        *AND* rr.b_id = 'xyz'
>>                        *AND* (('GLOBAL' = ' NO_PROJECT_ID + "' ) *OR* (rr
>> .p_id = 'GLOBAL'))
>>                        *AND* spc.permission_type *IS* *null* *and* spc.
>> is_active  = *true*
>>                        *AND* rpc.is_active = *true* *AND* rr.is_active =
>> *true* *AND* rs.is_active = *true* *AND* r.is_active = *true*
>> I don't think it is super complex. But when I run explain analyze on this
>> I get the following:
>> Planning Time: 578.068 ms
>> Execution Time: 0.113 ms
>> This is a huge deviation in planning vs. execution times. The explain
>> plan looks good since the execution time is < 1ms. It doesn't matter though
>> since the planning time is high. I don't see anything in the explain
>> analyze output that tells me why the planning time is high. On average, the
>> tables being joined have 3 indexes/table. How can I debug this?
>> Been stuck on this for weeks. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
> The fundamental issue here is that you have basically 12 conditions across
> 5 tables that need to be evaluated to determine which one of the 1,680
> possible join orders is the most efficient.  The fact that you have 5
> is_active checks and 3 pairs of matching UUID checks seems odd and if you
> could reduce those 11 to 4 I suspect you'd get a better planning time.
> Though it also may produce an inferior plan...thus consider the following
> option:
> Assuming the ideal plan shape for your data doesn't change you can read
> the following and basically tell the planner to stop trying so hard and
> just trust the join order that exists in the query.
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/explicit-joins.html
> Lastly, if you can leverage prepared statements you can at least amortize
> the cost (depending on whether a generic plan performs sufficiently
> quickly).
> I'll admit I'm no expert at this.  I'd probably just follow the
> join_collapse_limit advice and move on if it works.  Maybe adding a
> periodic check to see if anything has changed.
> David J.

Saurabh Sehgal
E-mail:     saurabh....@gmail.com
Phone:     425-269-1324
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saurabh-s-4367a31/

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