Thanks a lot Justin,

I used the link that you shared and I noticed that in most cases, when I was 
simulating the issue with simple SQL's, most of the RSS was actually shared.


from /proc/pid/status

RssAnon:            8672 kB

RssFile:            4576 kB

RssShmem:        4596656 kB

And when I looked at  /proc/pid/smaps

Is so it as "Referenced"  ( in /dev/zero (deleted) section )

Referenced:      4596624 kB

And the change in server's free/available memory was not significant.

But when running our application, the picture was different, most of it was 
Anon, and server's available memory was decreasing.

from /proc/pid/status

RssAnon:        14115188 kB

RssFile:            4648 kB

RssShmem:         282816 kB

Eventually, we found out that the reason for this phenome is combination of 
tables with many partitions ( 2112 ) and specific SQL.

We reduced the number of partitions from 2112 to 132 and the issue was resolved.

It seems the PG is still struggling with tables with so many partitions.

The application was written originally for Oracle, and these huge number of 
partition there was also abuse, but Oracle can handle it.



-----Original Message-----
From: Justin Pryzby <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2022 5:20 PM
To: Shai Shapira <>
Subject: Re: High process memory consumption when running sort

CAUTION: This message was sent from outside of Amdocs. Please do not click 
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On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 02:42:06PM +0000, Shai Shapira wrote:

> Hi,


> When running our application, we noticed that some processes are taking a lot 
> of memory ( 10, 15, 20GB or so, of RSS ).

> It is also reproduced when running in psql.

Note that RSS can include shared_buffers read by that backend.

That's a linux behavior, not specific to postgres.  It's what Andres was 
describing here:;;sdata=dEcakp0g6rUjw0aLhJJNnut4RhC7EQ0edRK%2FbzBzF%2F8%3D&amp;reserved=0

You have effective_cache_size = 48GB, so this seems to be working as intended.

(ecc is expected to include data cached not only by postgres but by the OS page 
cache, too).

> Memory consumption: ( of case 2, application table, using system_stats

> )

I'm not sure, but I guess this is just a postgres view of whatever the OS shows.

> Using top:


> 15298 postgres  20   0   16.8g   1.1g   1.1g S   0.0  1.7   0:02.63 postgres

> PostgreSQL 12.6 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.8.5

> 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44), 64-bit Linux illin7504

> 3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Aug 11 19:12:04 EDT 2020 x86_64

> x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

> shared_buffers                      | configuration file   | postmaster       
>  | 2097152                                            | 8kB  | 1024

> effective_cache_size                | configuration file   | user             
>  | 6291456                                            | 8kB  | 524288

> work_mem                            | configuration file   | user             
>  | 20480                                              | kB   | 4096

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