On Fri, 2022-03-25 at 14:07 +0000, Kumar, Mukesh wrote:

> > [recommendation to fix the estimate]
> >
> > Perhaps it is also enough to blindly disable nested loop joins for the 
> > whole query,
> > rather than doing the right thing and fixing the estimates:
> >
> > BEGIN;
> > SET LOCAL enable_nestloop = off;
> > SELECT ...;
> Thanks for the below suggestion , When I ran the query with the parameter , 
> it is taking only 1 sec.
> So could you please let me know if I can put this parameter to OFF . at 
> database and it will not
> create any issues to queries running in database.

That will very likely cause problems in your database, because sometimes a 
nested loop join
is by far the most efficient way to run a query.

Laurenz Albe
Cybertec | https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com

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