
is there any chance (risk ?) that a given gid be present in more than one
region ?
if not (or if you implement it via a dedicated, non partition table),

you may create a simple table partitioned by region, and create unique
indexes for each partition.
this is NOT equivalent to a unique constraint at global table level, of

Senior Architect

On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 4:37 PM Andrew Zakharov <andrew...@mail.ru> wrote:

> Hello all –
> I have a task which is simple at the first look. I have a table which
> contains hierarchy of address objects starting with macro region end ends
> with particular buildings. You can imagine how big is it.
> Here is short sample of table declaration:
> create table region_hierarchy(
>   gid uuid not null default uuid_generate_v1mc(),
>   parent_gid uuid null,
>   region_code int2,
>   …
>     constraint pk_region_hierarchy primary key (gid),
>     constraint fk_region_hierarchy_region_hierarchy_parent foreign key
> (parent_gid) references region_hierarchy(gid)
> );
> Being an Oracle specialist, I planned to using same declarative
> partitioning by list on the region_code field as I did in Oracle database.
> I’ve carefully looked thru docs/faqs/google/communities and found out that
> I must include “gid” field into partition key because a primary key field.
> Thus partition method “by list” is not appropriate method in this case and
> “by range” either. What I have left from partition methods? Hash? How can I
> create partitions by gid & region_code by hash? Feasible? Will it be
> working properly (with partition pruning) when search criteria is by
> region_code only? Same problem appears when there is simple serial “id”
> used as primary identifier. Removing all constraints is not considered. I
> understand that such specific PostgreSQL partitioning implementation has
> done by tons of reasons but how I can implement partitioning for my EASY
> case? I see the only legacy inheritance is left, right? Very sad if it’s
> true.
> Your advices are very important.
> Thanks in advance.
> Andrew.

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