On Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 02:11:58PM +0000, Kumar, Mukesh wrote: > -> Hash Join (cost=6484.69..43117.63 rows=1 width=198) (actual > time=155.508..820.705 rows=52841 loops=1)" > Hash Cond: (((lms_doc_property_rights_assoc.doc_sid_c)::text = > (lms_doc_propright_status_assoc.doc_sid_c)::text) AND > ((lms_property_rights_base.property_sid_k)::text = > (lms_doc_propright_status_assoc.property_sid_c)::text))"
Your problem seems to start here. It thinks it'll get one row but actually gets 53k. You can join those two tables on their own to understand the problem better. Is either or both halves of the AND estimated well ? If both halves are individually estimated well, but estimated poorly together with AND, then you have correlation. Are either of those conditions redundant with the other ? Half of the AND might be unnecessary and could be removed. -- Justin