Hello, I have a strange case of a query that runs substantially slower when run as a Java PreparedStatement with placeholders, compared to using constant values in the SQL string.
In my experience, the reason for this is usually a different execution plan for the prepared statement. However in this case, the plans are identical but the prepared statements runs substantially slower than the "non-prepared" plan: 1800ms to 2000ms vs. 250ms to 350ms I can't disclose the query, but the basic structure is this: select ... from some_table where jsonb_column #>> $1 = ANY ($2) and some_uuid_column = ANY (.....) For various reasons the list of values for the some_uuid_column = ANY(..) condition is always passed as constant values. The plan is quite reasonable using a Bitmap Heap Scan in both cases on "some_uuid_column" I uploaded the (anonymized) plans to explain.depesz: Fast execution: https://explain.depesz.com/s/QyFR Slow execution: https://explain.depesz.com/s/mcQz The "prepared" plan was created using psql, not through JDBC: PREPARE p1(text,text) AS ... EXPLAIN (analyze, buffers, timing, verbose) EXECUTE p1 ('{...}', '{....}') But the runtime is pretty much what I see when doing this through Java. My question is: why is processing the query through a prepared statement so much slower? This happens on a test system running Postgres 13.2 on CentOS, and another test system running 13.5 on Ubuntu. For the time being, we can switch off the use of a PreparedStatement, but I'm also interesting to know the underlying root cause. Any ideas?