On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 04:43:25AM +0000, Robert Creager wrote:
> We’re executing the following copy to fill a table with approximately 5k 
> records, then repeating for a total of 250k records.  Normally, this copy 
> executes < 1 second, with the entire set taking a couple of minutes. The 
> problem is not reproducible on command, but usually within a couple of hours 
> of starting some test runs.
> COPY ds3.blob (byte_offset, checksum, checksum_type, id, length, object_id) 
> But, occasionally we get into a huge performance bottleneck for about 2 
> hours, where these copy operations are taking 140 seconds or so
> Nov 15 22:25:49 sm4u-34 postgres[5799]: [381-1] 
> db=tapesystem,user=Administrator,app=PostgreSQL JDBC Driver,client= 
> LOG:  duration: 145326.293 ms  statement: COPY ds3.blob (byte_offset, 
> checksum, checksum_type, id, length, object_id) FROM STDIN WITH DELIMITER AS 
> '|'

> I’m logging statements with pgbadger monitoring the logs. There are no 
> apparent auto-vacuum’s running, nor any vacuums, nor anything at all really. 
> Other select queries around that time frame are executing normally.

What about checkpoints ?

Would you show the "^checkpoint starting" and "^checkpoint complete" logs
surrounding a slow COPY ?

> We’re coming from PostgreSQL 9.6 on FreeBSD 11 where we did not see this 
> problem, but have a major release upgrade happening.  I’m checking to see if 
> this machine was updated or was a fresh install.
>  PostgreSQL 13.2 on amd64-portbld-freebsd13.0, compiled by FreeBSD clang 
> version 11.0.1 (g...@github.com<mailto:g...@github.com>:llvm/llvm-project.git 
> llvmorg-11.0.1-0-g43ff75f2c3fe), 64-bit
> Changes made to the settings in the postgresql.conf file
>  checkpoint_timeout              | 30min                           | 
> configuration file
>  log_checkpoints                 | on                              | 
> configuration file
>  log_lock_waits                  | on                              | 
> configuration file
>  shared_buffers                  | 21679MB                         | 
> configuration file

> Operating system and version:
> FreeBSD sm4u-34 13.0-STABLE FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE #0: Mon Sep 13 10:11:57 MDT 
> 2021

> These are the system calls made over 30 seconds from Postgres during a 
> slowdown.
>   fsync                                                            27


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