Hello all... I upgraded to 13.4 and re-ran the various versions of the query. I think I get a mixed bag of results. In the spirit of closing this thread, I'll start with the fantastic news and then start a new thread with the other issue I have isolated.
It looks like the query I submitted initially is now performing very well!!! It's funny but it looks like the query is consuming a tiny bit over 2.5GB, so my use case was literally a hair above the memory limit that we had discovered. V13.4 takes 54s vs V11.2 takes 74s!! This is quite amazing to have such a performance gain! 25% better. The query was as follows: select "iccqa_iccassmt_fk" , MAX("iccqar_ans_val") as "iccqar_ans_val" , (MAX("iccqar_ans_val") filter (where "iccqar_ques_code"= 'DEBRIDEMENT DATE'))::text as "iccqa_DEBRIDEMENT_DATE" , (MAX("iccqar_ans_val") filter (where "iccqar_ques_code"= 'DEBRIDEMENT THIS VISIT') )::text as "iccqa_DEBRIDEMENT_THIS_VISIT" , (MAX("iccqar_ans_val") filter (where "iccqar_ques_code"= 'DEBRIDEMENT TYPE') )::text as "iccqa_DEBRIDEMENT_TYPE" , (MAX("iccqar_ans_val") filter (where "iccqar_ques_code"= 'DEPTH (CM)'))::text as "iccqa_DEPTH_CM" , ... 50 more columns from ( -- 'A pivoted view of ICC QA assessments' select VNAHGEDW_FACTS.AssessmentICCQA_Raw."iccqar_iccassmt_fk" as "iccqa_iccassmt_fk" -- The key identifying an ICC assessment. , VNAHGEDW_FACTS.AssessmentICCQA_Raw."iccqar_ques_code" as "iccqar_ques_code" -- The question long code from the meta-data. , max(VNAHGEDW_FACTS.AssessmentICCQA_Raw."iccqar_ans_val") as "iccqar_ans_val" -- The official answer, if applicable) from the meta-data. from VNAHGEDW_FACTS.AssessmentICCQA_Raw where VNAHGEDW_FACTS.AssessmentICCQA_Raw."iccqar_ques_code" in ('DEBRIDEMENT DATE', 'DEBRIDEMENT THIS VISIT', 'DEBRIDEMENT TYPE', 'DEPTH (CM)', ... 50 more values) group by 1, 2 ) T group by 1 ; The plans are: V13.4 - 54s HashAggregate (cost=1486844.46..1486846.46 rows=200 width=1764) (actual time=50714.016..53813.049 rows=677899 loops=1) Group Key: assessmenticcqa_raw.iccqar_iccassmt_fk Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 1196065kB Buffers: shared hit=158815 -> Finalize HashAggregate (cost=1100125.42..1113234.54 rows=1310912 width=56) (actual time=14487.522..20498.241 rows=12926549 loops=1) Group Key: assessmenticcqa_raw.iccqar_iccassmt_fk, assessmenticcqa_raw.iccqar_ques_code Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 2572305kB Buffers: shared hit=158815 -> Gather (cost=382401.10..1050966.22 rows=6554560 width=56) (actual time=2891.177..6614.288 rows=12926549 loops=1) Workers Planned: 5 Workers Launched: 5 Buffers: shared hit=158815 -> Partial HashAggregate (cost=381401.10..394510.22 rows=1310912 width=56) (actual time=2790.736..3680.249 rows=2154425 loops=6) Group Key: assessmenticcqa_raw.iccqar_iccassmt_fk, assessmenticcqa_raw.iccqar_ques_code Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 417809kB Buffers: shared hit=158815 Worker 0: Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 401425kB Worker 1: Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 409617kB Worker 2: Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 393233kB Worker 3: Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 385041kB Worker 4: Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 393233kB -> Parallel Seq Scan on assessmenticcqa_raw (cost=0.00..362006.30 rows=2585974 width=38) (actual time=0.042..1600.138 rows=2154425 loops=6) Filter: ((iccqar_ques_code)::text = ANY ('{"DEBRIDEMENT DATE","DEBRIDEMENT THIS VISIT","DEBRIDEMENT TYPE","DEPTH (CM)","DEPTH DESCRIPTION","DOES PATIENT HAVE PAIN ASSOCIATED WITH THIS WOUND?","DRAIN PRESENT","DRAIN TYPE","EDGE / SURROUNDING TISSUE - MACERATION",EDGES,EPITHELIALIZATION,"EXUDATE AMOUNT","EXUDATE TYPE","GRANULATION TISSUE","INDICATE OTHER TYPE OF WOUND CLOSURE","INDICATE TYPE","INDICATE WOUND CLOSURE","IS THIS A CLOSED SURGICAL WOUND OR SUSPECTED DEEP TISSUE INJURY?","LENGTH (CM)","MEASUREMENTS TAKEN","NECROTIC TISSUE AMOUNT","NECROTIC TISSUE TYPE",ODOR,"OTHER COMMENTS REGARDING DEBRIDEMENT TYPE","OTHER COMMENTS REGARDING DRAIN TYPE","OTHER COMMENTS REGARDING PAIN INTERVENTIONS","OTHER COMMENTS REGARDING PAIN QUALITY","OTHER COMMENTS REGARDING REASON MEASUREMENTS NOT TAKEN","PAIN FREQUENCY","PAIN INTERVENTIONS","PAIN QUALITY","PERIPHERAL TISSUE EDEMA","PERIPHERAL TISSUE INDURATION","REASON MEASUREMENTS NOT TAKEN","RESPONSE TO PAIN INTERVENTIONS",SHAPE,"SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF INFECTION","SKIN COLOR SURROUNDING WOUND",STATE,"SURFACE AREA (SQ CM)","TOTAL NECROTIC TISSUE ESCHAR","TOTAL NECROTIC TISSUE SLOUGH",TUNNELING,"TUNNELING SIZE(CM)/LOCATION - 12 - 3 O''CLOCK","TUNNELING SIZE(CM)/LOCATION - 3 - 6 O''CLOCK","TUNNELING SIZE(CM)/LOCATION - 6 - 9 O''CLOCK","TUNNELING SIZE(CM)/LOCATION - 9 - 12 O''CLOCK",UNDERMINING,"UNDERMINING SIZE(CM)/LOCATION - 12 - 3 O''CLOCK","UNDERMINING SIZE(CM)/LOCATION - 3 - 6 O''CLOCK","UNDERMINING SIZE(CM)/LOCATION - 6 - 9 O''CLOCK","UNDERMINING SIZE(CM)/LOCATION - 9 - 12 O''CLOCK","WIDTH (CM)","WOUND PAIN LEVEL, WHERE 0 = \"NO PAIN\" AND 10 = \"WORST POSSIBLE PAIN\""}'::text[])) Rows Removed by Filter: 30428 Buffers: shared hit=158815 Planning: Buffers: shared hit=3 Planning Time: 0.552 ms Execution Time: 54241.152 ms V11.2 - 74s HashAggregate (cost=1629249.48..1629251.48 rows=200 width=1764) (actual time=68833.447..73384.374 rows=742896 loops=1) Group Key: assessmenticcqa_raw.iccqar_iccassmt_fk Buffers: shared read=173985 -> Finalize HashAggregate (cost=1205455.43..1219821.33 rows=1436590 width=56) (actual time=19441.489..28630.297 rows=14176024 loops=1) Group Key: assessmenticcqa_raw.iccqar_iccassmt_fk, assessmenticcqa_raw.iccqar_ques_code Buffers: shared read=173985 -> Gather (cost=418922.41..1151583.31 rows=7182950 width=56) (actual time=3698.235..8445.971 rows=14176024 loops=1) Workers Planned: 5 Workers Launched: 5 Buffers: shared read=173985 -> Partial HashAggregate (cost=417922.41..432288.31 rows=1436590 width=56) (actual time=3559.562..4619.406 rows=2362671 loops=6) Group Key: assessmenticcqa_raw.iccqar_iccassmt_fk, assessmenticcqa_raw.iccqar_ques_code Buffers: shared read=173985 -> Parallel Seq Scan on assessmenticcqa_raw (cost=0.00..396656.48 rows=2835457 width=38) (actual time=0.261..1817.102 rows=2362671 loops=6) Filter: ((iccqar_ques_code)::text = ANY ('{"DEBRIDEMENT DATE","DEBRIDEMENT THIS VISIT","DEBRIDEMENT TYPE","DEPTH (CM)","DEPTH DESCRIPTION","DOES PATIENT HAVE PAIN ASSOCIATED WITH THIS WOUND?","DRAIN PRESENT","DRAIN TYPE","EDGE / SURROUNDING TISSUE - MACERATION",EDGES,EPITHELIALIZATION,"EXUDATE AMOUNT","EXUDATE TYPE","GRANULATION TISSUE","INDICATE OTHER TYPE OF WOUND CLOSURE","INDICATE TYPE","INDICATE WOUND CLOSURE","IS THIS A CLOSED SURGICAL WOUND OR SUSPECTED DEEP TISSUE INJURY?","LENGTH (CM)","MEASUREMENTS TAKEN","NECROTIC TISSUE AMOUNT","NECROTIC TISSUE TYPE",ODOR,"OTHER COMMENTS REGARDING DEBRIDEMENT TYPE","OTHER COMMENTS REGARDING DRAIN TYPE","OTHER COMMENTS REGARDING PAIN INTERVENTIONS","OTHER COMMENTS REGARDING PAIN QUALITY","OTHER COMMENTS REGARDING REASON MEASUREMENTS NOT TAKEN","PAIN FREQUENCY","PAIN INTERVENTIONS","PAIN QUALITY","PERIPHERAL TISSUE EDEMA","PERIPHERAL TISSUE INDURATION","REASON MEASUREMENTS NOT TAKEN","RESPONSE TO PAIN INTERVENTIONS",SHAPE,"SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF INFECTION","SKIN COLOR SURROUNDING WOUND",STATE,"SURFACE AREA (SQ CM)","TOTAL NECROTIC TISSUE ESCHAR","TOTAL NECROTIC TISSUE SLOUGH",TUNNELING,"TUNNELING SIZE(CM)/LOCATION - 12 - 3 O''CLOCK","TUNNELING SIZE(CM)/LOCATION - 3 - 6 O''CLOCK","TUNNELING SIZE(CM)/LOCATION - 6 - 9 O''CLOCK","TUNNELING SIZE(CM)/LOCATION - 9 - 12 O''CLOCK",UNDERMINING,"UNDERMINING SIZE(CM)/LOCATION - 12 - 3 O''CLOCK","UNDERMINING SIZE(CM)/LOCATION - 3 - 6 O''CLOCK","UNDERMINING SIZE(CM)/LOCATION - 6 - 9 O''CLOCK","UNDERMINING SIZE(CM)/LOCATION - 9 - 12 O''CLOCK","WIDTH (CM)","WOUND PAIN LEVEL, WHERE 0 = \"NO PAIN\" AND 10 = \"WORST POSSIBLE PAIN\""}'::text[])) Rows Removed by Filter: 31608 Buffers: shared read=173985 Planning Time: 22.673 ms Execution Time: 74110.779 ms Thank you so much to the whole team to this great work! I'll send a separate email with the other issue I think I have isolated. Thank you! Laurent Hasson -----Original Message----- From: l...@laurent-hasson.com <l...@laurent-hasson.com> Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 16:13 To: Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> Cc: Peter Geoghegan <p...@bowt.ie>; David Rowley <dgrowle...@gmail.com>; Justin Pryzby <pry...@telsasoft.com>; pgsql-performa...@postgresql.org Subject: RE: Big performance slowdown from 11.2 to 13.3 -----Original Message----- From: Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2021 23:31 To: l...@laurent-hasson.com Cc: Peter Geoghegan <p...@bowt.ie>; David Rowley <dgrowle...@gmail.com>; Justin Pryzby <pry...@telsasoft.com>; pgsql-performa...@postgresql.org Subject: Re: Big performance slowdown from 11.2 to 13.3 I wrote: > Yeah, I wouldn't sweat over the specific value. The pre-v13 behavior > was effectively equivalent to hash_mem_multiplier = infinity, so if > you weren't having any OOM problems before, just crank it up. Oh, wait, scratch that: the old executor's behavior is accurately described by that statement, but the planner's is not. The planner will not pick a hashagg plan if it guesses that the hash table would exceed the configured limit (work_mem before, now work_mem times hash_mem_multiplier). So raising hash_mem_multiplier to the moon might bias the v13 planner to pick hashagg plans in cases where earlier versions would not have. This doesn't describe your immediate problem, but it might be a reason to not just set the value as high as you can. BTW, this also suggests that the planner is underestimating the amount of memory needed for the hashagg, both before and after. That might be something to investigate at some point. regards, tom lane This is very useful to know... all things I'll get to test after 13.4 is released. I'll report back when I am able to. Thank you, Laurent.