-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Geoghegan <p...@bowt.ie> 
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2021 12:14
To: Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us>
Cc: Jeff Davis <pg...@j-davis.com>; l...@laurent-hasson.com; David Rowley 
<dgrowle...@gmail.com>; Justin Pryzby <pry...@telsasoft.com>; 
Subject: Re: Big performance slowdown from 11.2 to 13.3

On Thu, Jul 22, 2021 at 8:45 AM Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> That is ... weird.  Maybe you have found a bug in the spill-to-disk 
> logic; it's quite new after all.  Can you extract a self-contained 
> test case that behaves this way?

I wonder if this has something to do with the way that the input data is 
clustered. I recall noticing that that could significantly alter the behavior 
of HashAggs as of Postgres 13.

Peter Geoghegan

I could execute that test and re-cluster against the index. But I believe 
that's already done? Let me check.

Thank you,

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