"Dirschel, Steve" <steve.dirsc...@thomsonreuters.com> writes:
> I have a sample query that is doing more work if some of the reads are 
> physical reads and I'm trying to understand why.  If you look at attached 
> QueryWithPhyReads.txt it shows the query did Buffers: shared hit=171 
> read=880.  So it did 171 + 880 = 1051 total block reads (some logical, some 
> physical).  QueryWithNoPhyReads.txt shows execution statistics of the 
> execution of the exact same query with same data point.  The only difference 
> is the first execution loaded blocks into memory so this execution had all 
> shared hits.  In this case the query did this much work:  Buffers: shared 
> hit=581.

You haven't provided a lot of context for this observation, but I can
think of at least one explanation for the discrepancy.  If the first
query was the first access to these tables after a bunch of updates,
it would have been visiting a lot of now-dead row versions.  It would
then have marked the corresponding index entries dead, resulting in the
second execution not having to visit as many heap pages.

                        regards, tom lane

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