
I tried to VACCUM ANALYZE the tables involved multiple times and also tried
the statistics approach as well


I upgraded to 42.2.21 version of jdbc driver and using HikariCp connection
pool management 3.1.0

jProfiler shows the threads are stuck with high cpu usage on.

org.postgresql.jdbc.PgPreparedStatement.execute ,

   below is the java code which calls postgresql

Connection con = null;
CallableStatement callableStatement = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
ResultSet rs1 = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
try {
  con = connectionManager.getConnetion();
  callableStatement = con.prepareCall("call
  if (catId == 0)
    callableStatement.setNull(2, Types.BIGINT);
    callableStatement.setLong(2, catId);
  callableStatement.setString(3, "Y");

  if (branchId == 0)
    callableStatement.setString(4, null);
    callableStatement.setLong(4, branchId);

  callableStatement.setNull(5, Types.OTHER);
  callableStatement.setNull(6, Types.OTHER);
  callableStatement.registerOutParameter(5, Types.OTHER);
  callableStatement.registerOutParameter(6, Types.OTHER);
  rs = (ResultSet) callableStatement.getObject(5);
  rs1 = (ResultSet) callableStatement.getObject(6);
  MenuMobile menuMobile;

  try {
    while (rs.next()) {

      //process rs
    MenuCombo menuCombo;
    while (rs1.next()) {
     //process rs1

  } catch (SQLException e) {
    LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);

} catch (SQLException e) {
  LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
  throw e;
} finally {
  if (rs != null)
  if (rs1 != null)
   if (ps != null)

  if (callableStatement != null) callableStatement.close();
  if (con != null) con.close();
return menuMobileListCombo;

On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 5:47 PM Ayub Khan <ayub...@gmail.com> wrote:

> attached is the screenshot of RDS performance insights for AWS and it
> shows high waiting client writes. The api performance is slow. I read that
> this might be due to IOPS on RDS. However we have 80k IOPS on this test
> RDS.
> Below is the query which is being load tested
>                        a.menu_item_id,
>                        a.menu_item_name,
>                        a.menu_item_category_id,
>                        b.menu_item_category_desc,
>                        c.menu_item_variant_id,
>                        c.menu_item_variant_type_id,
>                        c.price,
>                        c.size_id,
>                        c.parent_menu_item_variant_id,
>                        d.menu_item_variant_type_desc,
>                        e.size_desc,
>                        f.currency_code,
>                        a.image,
>                        a.mark_id,
>                        m.mark_name
>                      FROM .menu_item_category AS b, .menu_item_variant AS
> c,
>                        .menu_item_variant_type AS d, .item_size AS e,
> .restaurant AS f,
>                        .menu_item AS a
>                        LEFT OUTER JOIN .mark AS m
>                          ON (a.mark_id = m.mark_id)
>                      WHERE a.menu_item_category_id =
> b.menu_item_category_id AND a.menu_item_id = c.menu_item_id AND
>                            c.menu_item_variant_type_id =
> d.menu_item_variant_type_id AND d.is_hidden = 'false' AND
>                            c.size_id = e.size_id AND a.restaurant_id =
> f.restaurant_id AND f.restaurant_id = 1528 AND
>                            (a.menu_item_category_id = NULL OR NULL IS NULL)
>                            AND c.menu_item_variant_id = (SELECT
> min(menu_item_variant_id)
>                                                          FROM
> .menu_item_variant
>                                                          WHERE
> menu_item_id = a.menu_item_id AND deleted = 'N'
>                                                          LIMIT 1) AND
> a.active = 'Y'
>                            AND (CONCAT_WS('', ',', a.hidden_branch_ids,
> ',') NOT LIKE CONCAT_WS('', '%,4191,%') OR
>                                 NULL IS NULL)
>    AND .is_menu_item_available(a.menu_item_id, 'Y') = 'Y'
>    ORDER BY a.row_order, menu_item_id;
> --Ayub

Sun Certified Enterprise Architect 1.5
Sun Certified Java Programmer 1.4
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer 2000
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will get you there. However, it's the Love
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