Please don't top post here.

On Mon, Jun 7, 2021 at 3:50 PM Ayub Khan <> wrote:
> @Christophe: yes I am using RDS performance insights, however it might be 
> more helpful if it could give more info about the slowness of the queries and 
> what improvements could be done to the queries itself.
> I am using pgMusted to analyze a slow query and there the suggestion is to 
> create an index on   app2.user_id, however app2.user_id is a primary key.
> below is the query and its explain:
> select * from (
>     act.*,
>     app1.user_name AS created_by_username,
>     app2.user_name AS last_updated_by_username
>   FROM
>     account_transactions AS act LEFT OUTER JOIN app_user AS app1 ON 
> app1.user_id = act.created_by
>     LEFT OUTER JOIN app_user AS app2 ON app2.user_id = act.last_updated_by
>   WHERE act.is_deleted = 'false' AND
>         act.CREATION_DATE BETWEEN TO_DATE('06/06/2021', 'DD-MM-YYYY') AND 
> TO_DATE('07-06-2021', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
> ) as items order by id desc
> Sort  (cost=488871.14..489914.69 rows=417420 width=270) (actual 
> time=2965.815..2979.921 rows=118040 loops=1)
>   Sort Key: DESC
>   Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 57607kB
>   ->  Merge Left Join  (cost=422961.21..449902.61 rows=417420 width=270) 
> (actual time=2120.021..2884.484 rows=118040 loops=1)
>         Merge Cond: (act.last_updated_by = ((app2.user_id)::numeric))
>         ->  Sort  (cost=7293.98..7301.62 rows=3054 width=257) (actual 
> time=464.243..481.292 rows=118040 loops=1)
>               Sort Key: act.last_updated_by
>               Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 50899kB
>               ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.87..7117.21 rows=3054 
> width=257) (actual time=0.307..316.148 rows=118040 loops=1)
>                     ->  Index Scan using creation_date on 
> account_transactions act  (cost=0.44..192.55 rows=3054 width=244) (actual 
> time=0.295..67.330 rows=118040 loops=1)
> "                          Index Cond: ((creation_date >= 
> to_date('06/06/2021'::text, 'DD-MM-YYYY'::text)) AND (creation_date <= 
> to_date('07-06-2021'::text, 'DD-MM-YYYY'::text)))"
>                           Filter: ((is_deleted)::text = 'false'::text)
>                     ->  Index Scan using app_user_pk on app_user app1  
> (cost=0.43..2.27 rows=1 width=21) (actual time=0.002..0.002 rows=1 
> loops=118040)
>                           Index Cond: (user_id = act.created_by)
>         ->  Sort  (cost=415667.22..423248.65 rows=3032573 width=21) (actual 
> time=1655.748..1876.596 rows=3079326 loops=1)
>               Sort Key: ((app2.user_id)::numeric)
>               Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 335248kB
>               ->  Seq Scan on app_user app2  (cost=0.00..89178.73 
> rows=3032573 width=21) (actual time=0.013..575.630 rows=3032702 loops=1)
> Planning Time: 2.222 ms
> Execution Time: 3009.387 ms

I'd say that your problem is that account_transactions.updated_by is
numeric (which seems like a terrible idea) while app_user.user_id is
not, so the index can't be used.  Some extensions could detect that,
but you won't be able to install them on RDS.

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