Hello David,

Saturday, May 15, 2021, 5:52:47 PM, you wrote:

> On Sun, 16 May 2021 at 02:34, Eugen Konkov <kes-...@yandex.ru> wrote:
>> I found a case when `not assigning a ressortgroupref to the whole-row var` 
>> cause
>> wrong window function calculations.
>> I  use  same  query.  The  difference  come  when I wrap my query into
>> function. (see full queries in attachment)
>> 1.
>> FROM agreement_totals( tstzrange( '2020-07-01', '2020-08-01' ) )
>> WHERE agreement_id = 161::int  AND  (o).period_id = 10::int
>> 2.
>>   sum( .... ) over wagreement
>> FROM ....
>> WHERE agreement_id = 161::int  AND  (o).period_id = 10::int
>> WINDOW wagreement AS ( PARTITION BY agreement_id )
>> For  first  query  window function calculates SUM over all agreements,
>> then some are filtered out by (o).period_id condition.

> This is unrelated to the optimisation that you were asking about before.

> All that's going on here is that WHERE is evaluated before SELECT.
> This means that your filtering is done before the window functions are
> executed.  This is noted in the docs in [1]:

>> The rows considered by a window function are those of the “virtual table” 
>> produced by the query's FROM clause as filtered by its WHERE, GROUP BY, and 
>> HAVING clauses if any. For example, a row removed because it does not meet 
>> the WHERE condition is not seen by any window function. A query can contain 
>> multiple window functions that slice up the data in different ways using 
>> different OVER clauses, but they all act on the same collection of rows 
>> defined by this virtual table.

> If you want to filter rows after the window functions are evaluated
> then you'll likely want to use a subquery.

> David

> [1] https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/tutorial-window.html

Sorry,  I  miss  that WHERE works first and after it
window function.

>This is unrelated to the optimisation that you were asking about before.
So, yes,  unrelated.

Thank you for your answers.

Best regards,
Eugen Konkov

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