On Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 02:52:23PM +0530, aditya desai wrote:
> Hi,
> One of the procs which accept tabletype as parameter gives below error
> while being called from Application. Could not find a concrete solution for
> this. Can someone help?
> call PROCEDURE ABC (p_optiontable optiontype)

What is PROCEDURE ABC ?  If you created it, send its definition with your 
problem report.

> Below is the error while executing proc -

How are you executing it?  This seems like an error from npgsl, not postgres.
It may be a client-side error, and it may be that the query isn't even being
sent to the server at that point.

> “the clr type system.data.datatable isn't natively supported by npgsql or
> your postgresql. to use it with a postgresql composite you need to specify
> datatypename or to map it, please refer to the documentation.”

Did you do this ?


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