We are trying to load data around 1Bil records into one table with INSERT 
statements (not able to use COPY command) and they are been waiting for a lock 
and the wait_event is "transactionid", I didn't find any information in the 
documents. Queries have been waiting for hours.
Table DDL'sCREATE TABLE test_load(    billg_acct_cid_hash character varying(50) 
COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,    accs_mthd_cid_hash character 
varying(50) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,    soc character varying(10) 
COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,    soc_desc character varying(100) 
COLLATE pg_catalog."default",    service_type_cd character varying(10) COLLATE 
pg_catalog."default",    soc_start_dt date,    soc_end_dt date,    
product_eff_dt date,    product_exp_dt date,    curr_ind character varying(1) 
COLLATE pg_catalog."default",    load_dttm timestamp without time zone NOT 
NULL,    updt_dttm timestamp without time zone,    md5_chk_sum character 
varying(100) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",    deld_from_src_ind character(1) 
COLLATE pg_catalog."default",    orphan_ind character(1) COLLATE 
pg_catalog."default",    CONSTRAINT test_load_pk PRIMARY KEY 
(billg_acct_cid_hash, accs_mthd_cid_hash, soc));
query results from pg_locks ;
 SELECT COALESCE(blockingl.relation::regclass::text, blockingl.locktype) AS 
locked_item,    now() - blockeda.query_start AS waiting_duration,    
blockeda.pid AS blocked_pid,    left(blockeda.query,7) AS blocked_query,    
blockedl.mode AS blocked_mode,    blockinga.pid AS blocking_pid,    
left(blockinga.query,7) AS blocking_query,    blockingl.mode AS blocking_mode   
FROM pg_locks blockedl     JOIN pg_stat_activity blockeda ON blockedl.pid = 
blockeda.pid     JOIN pg_locks blockingl ON (blockingl.transactionid = 
blockedl.transactionid OR blockingl.relation = blockedl.relation AND 
blockingl.locktype = blockedl.locktype) AND blockedl.pid <> blockingl.pid     
JOIN pg_stat_activity blockinga ON blockingl.pid = blockinga.pid AND 
blockinga.datid = blockeda.datid  WHERE NOT blockedl.granted   order by 
"transactionid" "18:20:06.068154" 681216 "INSERT " "ShareLock" 679840 "INSERT " 
"ExclusiveLock""transactionid" "18:19:05.504781" 679688 "INSERT " "ShareLock" 
679856 "INSERT " "ExclusiveLock""transactionid" "18:18:17.30099" 679572 "INSERT 
" "ShareLock" 679612 "INSERT " "ShareLock""transactionid" "18:18:17.30099" 
679572 "INSERT " "ShareLock" 679580 "INSERT " "ShareLock""transactionid" 
"18:18:17.30099" 679572 "INSERT " "ShareLock" 681108 "INSERT " 
"ExclusiveLock""transactionid" "18:14:17.969603" 681080 "INSERT " "ShareLock" 
681204 "INSERT " "ExclusiveLock""transactionid" "18:13:41.531575" 681112 
"INSERT " "ShareLock" 679636 "INSERT " "ExclusiveLock""transactionid" 
"18:04:16.195069" 679556 "INSERT " "ShareLock" 679776 "INSERT " 
"ExclusiveLock""transactionid" "17:58:54.284211" 679696 "INSERT " "ShareLock" 
678940 "INSERT " "ExclusiveLock""transactionid" "17:57:54.220879" 681144 
"INSERT " "ShareLock" 679792 "INSERT " "ExclusiveLock""transactionid" 
"17:57:28.736147" 679932 "INSERT " "ShareLock" 679696 "INSERT " 
"ExclusiveLock""transactionid" "17:53:48.701858" 679580 "INSERT " "ShareLock" 
679572 "INSERT " "ShareLock"

query results from pg_stat_activity  ;

SELECT pg_stat_activity.pid,    pg_stat_activity.usename, 
pg_stat_activity.state,    now() - pg_stat_activity.query_start AS runing_time, 
   LEFT(pg_stat_activity.query,7) ,    pg_stat_activity.wait_event   FROM 
pg_stat_activity  ORDER BY (now() - pg_stat_activity.query_start) DESC;
 |  |  |  |  |  |
| 681216 | postgres | active | 07:32.7 | INSERT  | transactionid |
| 679688 | postgres | active | 06:32.2 | INSERT  | transactionid |
| 679572 | postgres | active | 05:44.0 | INSERT  | transactionid |
| 681080 | postgres | active | 01:44.6 | INSERT  | transactionid |
| 681112 | postgres | active | 01:08.2 | INSERT  | transactionid |
| 679556 | postgres | active | 51:42.9 | INSERT  | transactionid |
| 679696 | postgres | active | 46:20.9 | INSERT  | transactionid |
| 681144 | postgres | active | 45:20.9 | INSERT  | transactionid |
| 679932 | postgres | active | 44:55.4 | INSERT  | transactionid |
| 679580 | postgres | active | 41:15.4 | INSERT  | transactionid |
| 679400 | postgres | active | 39:51.2 | INSERT  | transactionid |
| 679852 | postgres | active | 37:05.3 | INSERT  | transactionid |
| 681188 | postgres | active | 36:23.2 | INSERT  | transactionid |
| 679544 | postgres | active | 35:33.4 | INSERT  | transactionid |
| 675460 | postgres | active | 26:06.8 | INSERT  | transactionid |

select version ();
PostgreSQL 11.6, compiled by Visual C++ build 1800, 64-bit

CPU: v32RAM: 320 GBshared_buffers = 64GB
effective_cache_size = 160 GB

any comments on the issue?


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