Sure!! Thanks for the response. Apologies for multiple questions. Faced
this during high priority MSSQL to PostgreSQL migration. Did not see any
equivalent of XML PATH which would give desired results. Finally was able
to resolve the issue by rewriting the Proc using WITH and string_aggr in
combination. However still facing performance issues in the same. Will
investigate it.

On Thu, Apr 8, 2021 at 5:08 PM Mike Sofen <> wrote:

> You realize that there are a million answers to your questions online?
> Are you doing any google searches before bothering this list with basic
> questions?  I personally never email this list until I’ve exhausted all
> searches and extensive trial and error, as do most practitioners.  This
> list is incredibly patient and polite, and...there are limits.  Please
> consider doing more research before asking a question.  In your example
> below, you’re getting a basic subquery error – research how to fix that.
> Mike
> *From:* aditya desai <>
> *Sent:* Thursday, April 08, 2021 4:32 AM
> *To:* Pgsql Performance <>
> *Subject:* str_aggr function not wokring
> Hi,
> I need to combine results of multiple rows in one row. I get below error.
> Could you please help.
> Query:
> select string_agg((select '******' || P.PhaseName || ' - ' ||
> R.Recommendation AS "ABC" from tblAssessmentRecommendation
> R,tblAssessmentPhases P
> where  R.PhaseID = P.PhaseID  Order BY P.sortOrder DESC),' ')
> Error:
> ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression SQL
> state: 21000
> Regards,
> Aditya.

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