On Sun, Apr 04, 2021 at 04:12:14PM +0530, aditya desai wrote:
> Hi,
> We have few select queries during which we see SHARED LOCKS and EXCLUSIVE
> LOCKS on tables. Can these locks cause slowness? Is there any way to reduce
> the locks?
> What must be causing ACCESS EXCLUSIVE LOCKS when the application is running
> select queries? Is it AUTOVACUUM?

I suggest to review all the logging settings, and consider setting:
log_destination             = 'stderr,csvlog'                                   
log_checkpoints             = on                                                
log_lock_waits              = on                                                
log_min_messages            = info                                              
log_min_error_statement     = notice                                            
log_temp_files              = 0                                                 
log_min_duration_statement  = '9sec'                                            
log_autovacuum_min_duration = '99sec'                                           

You should probably set up some way to monitor logs.
We set log_destination=csvlog and import them into the DB.
Then I have nagios checks for slow queries, errors, many tempfiles, etc.


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