dir_current changes often, but is analyzed after significant changes, so
effectively it's analyzed probably once an hour.
The approximate ratio of rows with volume_id=5 to the whole number of rows
doesn't change (i.e. volume_id=5 will appear roughly in 1.5M-2M rows, total
is around 750-800M rows).
dir_process is created once, analyzed and doesn't change later.

Assuming dir_process is the outer side in plans shown here has only
duplicates - i.e. all rows have volume_id=5 in this example.
Do you think there is anything that could be changed with the query itself?
Any hints would be appreciated.

śr., 17 mar 2021 o 20:47 Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> napisał(a):

> Marcin Gozdalik <goz...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Sometimes Postgres will choose very inefficient plan, which involves
> > looping many times over same rows, producing hundreds of millions or
> > billions of rows:
> Yeah, this can happen if the outer side of the join has a lot of
> duplicate rows.  The query planner is aware of that effect and will
> charge an increased cost when it applies, so I wonder if your
> statistics for the tables being joined are up-to-date.
>                         regards, tom lane

Marcin Gozdalik

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