I have re-tested the execution times with several different values of
shared_buffers in the range 256 MB - 4 GB.
It didn't solve the problem and I noticed that for values greater than 3GB
the executions halt very frequently.
I also tried to disable JIT and this further slowed it down.
But there is an interesting news. I managed to exploit some properties of
the data I am modelling and I have changed the types of the tables and the
query as follows:

a1 int2,
a2 int2,
v int4 primary key

a1 int2,
a2 int2,
v int4 primary key

create index hash_pkA on A using hash(v);
create index hash_pkB on B using hash(v);

la1 int2,
la2 int2,
va1 int2,
va2 int2,
res text,
c int8
create index hash_C on C using hash(c);

select count(*) from (
((select A.v,
coalesce(A.a1,0) as la1,
coalesce(A.a2,0) as la2,
coalesce(B.a1,0) as va1,
coalesce(B.a2,0) as va2
from A
left join B on A.v = B.v)
union all
select B.v,
0 as la1,
0 as la2,
B.a1 as va1,
B.a2 as va2
from B where B.v not in (select A.v from A))as
ta inner join C on
ta.la1 | (ta.la2::int8 << 10) |
(ta.va1::int8 << 20) |
(ta.va2::int8 << 30)
= C.c);

With these changes I get stable results around 15 seconds. Here is the
plan: https://explain.depesz.com/s/Y9dT.
I also verified that I can decrease work_mem to 300MB (against 800MB of the
original query) by keeping the same execution time. In the original one,
decreasing such a value worsens the overall performances instead.
In the new query there is only one comparison on a single column (they were
four in the original one) and I started guessing whether, in the previous
case, the DBMS considers the overall memory consumption is too high and
changes the plan. If yes, I would be interesting in understanding how the
optimisation algorithm works and whether there is a way to disable it.
In this way I can try to better figure out what to do, in the future, in
case the data model cannot be re-arranged like in this case.
Thanks again.

Best regards,
Francesco De Angelis

Il giorno mer 10 mar 2021 alle ore 14:29 Michael Lewis <mle...@entrata.com>
ha scritto:

> I would increase shared_buffers to 1GB or more. Also, it would be very
> interesting to see these queries executed with JIT off.

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