Hi everyone, I have a SELECT query that uses a long chain of CTEs (6) and is executed repeatedly as part of the transaction (with different parameters). It is executed quickly most of the time, but sometimes becomes very slow. I managed to consistently reproduce the issue by executing a transaction containing this query on an empty database. The query is fast for the first 150-170 inserted resources, but ~50% of the executions afterwards take 5.6s instead of 1.4ms. Additionally it only becomes slow if resources are inserted in a random order, if I insert resources sorted by `start_date_time` column the query is always fast.
The slow query is part of the transaction (with Repeatable Read isolation level) that executes *create if not exists* type flow for 211 resources. Each resource insertion, inserts multiple rows into each table. Each resource has a unique `resource_surrogate_id`, which is part of every row inserted for that resource. Inside a transaction search is performed using values for a resource, before that resource is inserted, hence it always returns 0 rows (only date values are changing and never overlap). Resources are inserted in the order of increasing `resource_surrogate_id` (only `resource_type_id == 52` rows are part of the transaction). Some more info about the CTEs: - cte0: always matches N rows (from 5*N rows inserted for each resource) - cte1: always matches N rows (from 5*N rows inserted for each resource) - cte2: always matches N rows (from 17*N rows inserted for each resource) - cte3 when combined with cte4: always matches 0 rows (from 2*N rows inserted for each resource) - (if insertions are ordered by start_date_time, cte3 matches 0 rows, and query is fast - execution plan not included) Here are the results of EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, COSTS, VERBOSE, BUFFERS, FORMAT JSON): - Slow: https://explain.depesz.com/s/e4Fo - Fast: https://explain.depesz.com/s/7HFJ I have also created a gist: https://gist.github.com/anyname2/e908d13d515e8970e599eb650cab15fe - init.sql - is a script to create tables and indexes - parametrized-query.sql - is the query being executed - pgdump.sql - database dump PostgreSQL Version: PostgreSQL 13.2 on x86_64-pc-linux-musl, compiled by gcc (Alpine 10.2.1_pre1) 10.2.1 20201203, 64-bit Setup: PostgreSQL is running inside a docker container (with default parameters), issue is reproducible both in the Kubernetes cluster and locally. Can anyone help diagnose this? There are a few question I have: - Repeatable Read transaction is running on an empty database, hence it should not match anything. Why are resources inserted in the current transaction considered in the query? (if I understood the execution plan correctly) - What causes the slow case? How can I rewrite the query to avoid the slow case? - Is it my query not optimised? Or should the execution planner handle it better somehow? Thank you, Valentinas