Hi, Julien

Your hypothesis about network transfer makes sense. The query returns a big
size byte array blobs.

Is there a way to test the network speed against the instances? I have
access to the network speed in gcp (5 Mb/s), but don't have access in aws

[image: image.png]

Thanks in advance

Em qua., 24 de fev. de 2021 às 10:35, Julien Rouhaud <rjuju...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 6:14 AM Maurici Meneghetti
> <maurici.meneghe...@bixtecnologia.com.br> wrote:
> >
> > I have 2 postgres instances created from the same dump (backup), one on
> a GCP VM and the other on AWS RDS. The first instance takes 18 minutes and
> the second one takes less than 20s to run this simples query:
> > SELECT "Id", "DateTime", "SignalRegisterId", "Raw" FROM
> "SignalRecordsBlobs" WHERE "SignalSettingId" = 103 AND "DateTime" BETWEEN
> '2019-11-28T14:00:12.540200000' AND '2020-07-23T21:12:32.249000000';
> > I’ve run this query a few times to make sure both should be reading data
> from cache.
> > I expect my postgres on GPC to be at least similar to the one managed by
> AWS RDS so that I can work on improvements parallelly and compare.
> >
> > [...]
> > Planning time: 456.315 ms
> > Execution time: 776.976 ms
> >
> > Query explain for Postgres on AWS RDS:
> > [...]
> > Planning time: 0.407 ms
> > Execution time: 14.87 ms
> Those queries were executed in respectively ~1s and ~15ms (one thing
> to note is that the slower one had less data in cache, which may or
> may note account for the difference).  Does those plans reflect the
> reality of your slow executions?  If yes it's likely due to quite slow
> network transfer.  Otherwise we would need an explain plan from the
> slow execution, for which auto_explain can help you.  See
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/11/auto-explain.html for more details.


*Igor Gois | Sócio Consultor*
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